Tornado information

Tornado information

Tornadoes have been reported in Galveston County, so we'd like to make sure you're aware of what to do if Houston is under a tornado watch or warning.

A tornado watch means that a tornado is likely to occur in the area. Be ready to take shelter quickly if a tornado is sighted. Monitor radio, television and the internet for more info.

A tornado warning is an imminent threat. It means a tornado has actually been sighted in the area or has been indicated by radar. You should take shelter immediately.

Seek shelter in an underground area, such as a building with a basement. If that option is unavailable, go to a small interior room or hallway on the lowest floor possible. It's best to stay in the center of the room and get away from doors, windows and exterior walls. The best rooms have solid construction, reinforced concrete, brick or block, and few windows. Avoid auditoriums, cafeterias and gymnasiums with flat, wide-span roofs that could collapse.

For a list of the best available refuge areas on the Rice campus, go to

Jerusha Kasch
Director of institutional crisis management